Share your Knowledge.

Start your Online Academy

Acadify  enables you to launch a successful online business in matter of hours. Turn your knowledge into a manageable courses, live sessions, digital downloads and earn revenue.


Course and Student Management


Easy Invoicing and Payments


Earn and Track Revenue


Analyze and Grow Business

Start Easy. Grow Quickly.

Launch your online academy
business in hours

Easily build courses and digital products

Build engaging content effortlessly and focus on delivering valuable knowledge to your audience. Say goodbye to technical complexities and unleash your creativity today.

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Customer satisfaction

Automated Subscriptions & Payments

Payment automation eliminates paperwork. Our extensive subscription and payment tools help manage transactions.

Analytics to forecast

Important metrics. Track students, enrollments, and growth with our dashboard’s comprehensive analytics tools or add-ons to get the info you need.

Endless features for growing your
online academy

We manage all the demanding aspects, allowing you to concentrate on your core strengths – imparting knowledge and expertise.

Manage Courses

Effortlessly organize and oversee your courses with our intuitive course management system, simplifying the process of creating, updating, and managing course content.

AI-Driven Course Builder

Leverage the potential of AI to effortlessly create and structure engaging courses, saving time and enhancing the learning experience.

Live Classes

Real-time Learning: Experience interactive and engaging live classes, where instructors and students connect, collaborate, and learn together in a dynamic virtual environment.

Manage Instructors

Effortlessly oversee instructors with our comprehensive management tools, simplifying tasks such as onboarding, scheduling, and performance tracking.

Manage Students

Effortlessly track and manage student enrollment, progress, and communication with our user-friendly student management system.


Engage and Assess: Assignments that foster active learning and enable instructors to evaluate student progress with ease and effectiveness.

Exceptional customer support

Responsive and Reliable Customer Support. We’re here to assist you every step of the way. Our dedicated support team is available to promptly assist you with any inquiries or issues.

Launch your online academy effortlessly

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